FIG Members

Benefits of Being a Member

Members of FIG are entitled to nominate one delegate/National Delegate to each of FIG’s ten technical commissions. Participation to the Commission work is one of the most important benefits of membership of FIG. However these benefits only come about if those nominated as delegates participate in the work of the commissions and publicise the results within their own countries; and FIG has therefore published guidelines for its members and for their national commission delegates.


The purpose of these guidelines is to help ensure that the full benefits of FIG membership are passed down to all the individual members of associations or other organisations that are members of the Federation.

To ensure that these individual members are kept fully informed of and input where necessary to the work of FIG and its commissions, FIG recommends that

National commission delegates should write at least one annual report for publication in a local newsletter or technical journal or for dissemination by some other means to individual members of their association or organisation.

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