Picture Gallery from the GIS 2002 and Commission 3 Annual Meeting in Istanbul September 23-26, 2002

Members of the Advisory Committee and Organising Committee after the Opening Ceremony of GIS 2002 in Istanbul.

GIS2002 Symposium and Commission 3 Annual Meeting in Istanbul

Pictures from the GIS 2002 and Commission 3 Annual Meeting in Istanbul

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Prof. Gülsün Sağlamer, Rector of the Istanbul Technical University at the opening ceremony

Mr. Hüseyin Ülkü, President of the Chamber os of Surveying Engineers (UCTEA/CSE)

Dr. Kaya Güvenç, President of the Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (UCTEA) TMMOB

Mr. Gerhard Muggenhuber, Chair of FIG Commission 3 on Spatial Information Management

Mr. Muhittin Ipek, Chair of the Organising Committee of GIS 2002

Keynote speakers at the Opening Ceremony, from right Mr. Robert Foster, President of FIG, Prof. Gülsün Sağlamer, Rector of the Istanbul Technical University

Members of the Advisory Committee and the Organising Committee of GIS 2002.

President Foster and President Ülkü cutting the ribbon at the opening of the technical exhibition.

President Foster and President Ülku changing banners at the Welcome Reception of GIS 2002.

Mr. Muhittin Ipek making his address at the reception.

Robert Foster making his address and expressing the thanks of FIG to the local organisers.

Gerhard Muggenhuber addressing the audience on behalf of the FIG Commission 3.

Muhittin Ipek receiving the thanks from the participants of GIS 2002.


The International guests enjoyed a boat tour on the Bosphorus the at the opening day of GIS 2002.

President Foster together with the members of the organising committee.

Commission 3 delegates having a meeting between Europe and Asia.

President Foster together with Ms. Sis Alkan who together with Muhammed Sahin was in charge for the arrangements in Turkey.

The delegates could not leave Istanbul without a visit to the Grand Bazaar.

Commission 3 officers enjoying Turkish tea in the Grand Bazaar.

President Foster enjoying Turkish music in a local restaurant.


28 October 2002

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