Alojz Kopáčik attends the ISM Presidium Meeting

Leoben, Austria, 1-2 November 2006

Prof. Alojz Kopáčik, Chair of FIG Commission 6 attended the Presidium Meeting of the International Society for Mine Surveying (ISM) in Leoben, Austria 1-2 November 2006 on behalf of FIG. Prof. Kopacik is also the new focal point of FIG to ISM.

The Presidium meeting is administrative meeting of ISM and offered good opportunity to discuss the co-operation between FIG and ISM based on the MoU signed between ISM and FIG some years ago. Prof. Kopacik made in the meeting also a presentation on FIG and its future based on the recent FIG Congress that was held in Munich in October.

At the ISM meeting following issues were discussed that are also of interest to FIG:

  • ISM was very satisfied with the outcome of the joint sessions at the FIG Regional Conference in Accra in March 2006
  • ISM established an ad hoc commission to prepare a proposal on the official languages of ISM, the proposal is English. At the moment ISM has three official languages: English, German and Russian. The one official language period will be start at the next ISM Congress in Budapest 2007.
  • The XIII ISM Congress will be held in Budapest (Hungary), September 24-28, 2007
  • ISM established an Award Committee to reward papers of young authors at the XIII ISM Congress in Budapest.
  • Discussion on development of ISM commission structure, possibly improving co-operation with FIG Commissions.
  • Special interest on measurement methodology and instrumentation (co-operation with FIG Commission 5) and mine and engineering surveying and deformation measurement (FIG Commission 6)

At a special meeting with the ISM Board with President K. Barátosi, Prof. Yu Chanxing (Vice-President ISM), Mr. M. Livingstone-Blevins (Vice-President ISM) and Dr. I. Havasi (ISM Congress Director) following issues were discussed:

  • The MoU forms a good framework for co-operation. Parallel ISM-FIG Commission structure was defined. Representatives of both organisations will inform the persons responsible for the direct co-operation between the Commissions.
  • Topics of joint interest were defined: Surveying Education; Engineering Surveying; Deformation Measurement and Analysis; and Terrestrial Laser Scanning Applications.
  • Regular information exchange will be started
  • Both partners will search for common projects, with possible application by the UNESCO in the future.

Bratislava, 6 November 2006
Prof. hab. Alojz Kopáčik, PhD.
Chair of FIG Commission 6

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