FIG Commission 2 WG 2.3 Workshop - "Navigating the Future of Surveying Education"

Vienna, Austria, 26-28 February 2009

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FIG Commission 2 "Professional Education" and the Austrian Society for Surveying and Geoinformation organised a Workshop under the motto "Navigating the Future of Surveying Education" from 26th to 28th of February, 2009, in Vienna. Main topics of this workshop were the "Recruitment of Students" and the "Marketing of Professional Surveying Education". Keynote Speeches were given by the President of FIG, Prof. Stig Enemark, by the Director of Higher Education ESRI, Michael Gould, by the incoming chair of FIG Commission 2, Steve Frank, by the Rector of the University of Technology Graz, Prof. Hans Suenkel, and by the Austrian Representative of the Bologna Follow Up Group, Gottfried Bacher.

The technical program included the opening session, two keynote sessions, eight technical sessions, two workshop sessions and the closing session. 74 participants from 20 countries attended the workshop. The proceedings of the conference will be published as a special issue of the Austrian professional journal “vgi”. Proceedings are also available on the FIG Commission 2 web site:

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