Vice President Dalal Alnaggar participated in  FAO Workshop Gender-Equitable Governance of Land Tenure

10–12 May 2011 FAO, Rome, Italy

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Dalal Alnaggar together with the organisers from FAO

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Invited participants at the workshop

At the FAO Workshop 20 specialists were invited, and Vice President Dalal Alnaggar represented FIG.

The purpose of the Workshop was to bring together land sector professionals from government, civil society and the private sector to share their experiences of practical approaches to improving gender-equitability in governance of land tenure.

The themes of the Workshop were defined as:

  1. Policy-making – the first step in the tenure governance process.
  2. Legal issues – the foundation for implementing gender-equitable governance of land tenure
  3. Land administration – improving gender equity in institutions and activities.
  4. Technical issues for gender-equitable land administration.
  5. Get the message across vertical and horizontal gender sensitization

The participants defined that gender is a socially and politically constructed identity which is broader and more differentiated than just men and women. The recommendations were identified and best practices for wider dissemination through a technical guide on gender were developed to support the implementation of responsible governance of tenure.

Prof. Dalal Alnaggar concentrated her speech on the Arab world:

  1. Gender-equitable technologies (GIS, LIS, spatial and registration databases, land administration, ... etc) in the developing countries.
  2. Gender-equitable procedures and practices for technical aspects of land registration and land administration.
  3. Gender-equitable field methods and survey and valuation practices.

7 July 2011

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