New Secretary General at International Steering Committee for Global Mapping (ISCGM)

After seven years in the position Secretary General of International Steering Committee for Global Mapping (ISCGM), Yoshikazu Fukushima steps down, since he is retiring from the public service at the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan (GSI). ISCGM is member of JBGIS - Joint Board of Geospatial Information Societies. New Secretary General is Mr. Toru Nagayama, appointed by Dr. Paul Cheung, Chair of ISCGM.

News in 2014

New Secretary General at International Steering Committee for Global Mapping (ISCGM)

April 2014

After seven years in the position of Secretary General of International Steering Committee for Global Mapping (ISCGM), Yoshikazu Fukushima steps down since he is retiring from the public service at the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan (GSI). During these seven years the  number of the countries which participate in the project has increased from 172 countries/regions to 183 countries/regions, and the number of the countries whose data were released from 30 countries to 118 countries/regions. These increases have been achieved through many institutional cooperation and endeavors.

At the Global Map Forum in Tokyo, ISCGM declared that they completed the global data coverage in 2008. Furthermore, they could have strengthened coordination with various organizations and initiatives, such as strengthening coordination with spatial data infrastructures initiatives, acquiring a consultative status of the United Nations, strong relationship with GEO and ISO/TC211, and more formal and strong relationship with UNGGIM and its working group.

Mr Yoshikazu Fukushima says: "I have been very happy having opportunities to work with all three brilliant chairs of ISCGM including the time when I was a secretariat more than ten years ago. In 2012, achievement of global map was noted in “The Future We Want” at Rio+20 again with a new term of importance of reliable geospatial information."

This endeavor will be entrusted to his successor, Mr. Toru Nagayama, new Secretary General appointed by Dr. Paul Cheung, Chair of ISCGM, for the coming years.

ISCGM is member of JBGIS - Joint Board of Geospatial Information Societies.

11 April 2014

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