News in 2017

FIG Council held its first meeting in Istanbul with two new vice presidents

30 January - 1 February 2017, Istanbul, Turkey

FIG Council met Monday 30 January – Wednesday 1 February  in Istanbul. This was the first meeting for the two new council members, Orhan Ercan, Turkey and Mikael Lilje Sweden. In the absence of President Chryssy Potsiou, who was connected via skype due to flu, Vice President Rudolf Staiger presented the FIG pin to the two new vice presidents. One day was dedicated to a constructive meeting with the Local Organising Committee for FIG Congress 2018.

It was an opportunity for Council to hold the meeting in the beautiful city of Istanbul, and there was also time to inspect one of the potential venues for the Congress 2018.

Vice President Orhan Ercan with his new pin together with Rudolf Staiger

Vice President Rudolf Staiger gives the FIG Pin to Mikael Lilje

Local Organising Committee from the Chamber of Surveying and Cadastre Engineers of Turkey and FIG Council working on the preparations for the FIG Congress 2018

FIG Council, from right VP Rudolf Staiger, ACCO rep Gerda Schennach, VP Orhan Ercan, VP Diane Dumashie, VP Mikael Lilje and Director Louise Friis-Hansen. President Potsiou attended the meeting via skype because of a flu.

FIG Council also met with Regional Director General, Sedat Cömertoğlu from the General directorate of land registry and cadaster, Istanbul, and some of his directors.

Louise Friis-Hansen
February 2017

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