News in 2018

First Global Surveyors Day -
21 March 2018

21 March 2018, is not only a normal Wednesday - 21 March has been declared the Global Surveyors' Day. 

 Several organisations, hereunder especially CLGE (Europe), NSPS (USA) supported by FIG have decided that it is very important for the world to reflect on the work that surveyors do. It is essential to know what impact all the many various kinds of surveyors can have all over the world.

In order to highlight the importance of a surveyor, their job and the work field, the date 21 March has been chosen and named Global Surveyors’ Day.

It is the hope that this day is being celebrated around the world. It can be celebrated in many different ways, and it is up to the national surveyors to find their best way to celebrate the day. The day is among other places celebrated in Nepal and in Latvia.  

This first edition of the Global Surveyors’ Day will be specially marked at the World Bank Land and Poverty Conference in Washington DC, US with representation of FIG, CLGE and NSPS and hopefully many other surveyors and others from around the world who will be in Washington DC.

 We are very honored and thankful that the World Bank has agreed to host this Premiere event.

At the same time the site: will be launched, and will go live at 12:00 am GMT on 21 March 2018.    


Nepal Institution of Chartered Surveyed (NICS),  organised a Global Surveyors’ Day on 21 March 2018, in association with Survey Department, Government of Nepal,with the chief guest of Mr. Gopi Nath Mainali , secretary Min of Agriculture, Land Management and Cooperative. During the occasson Transliteration of Technical Terms English - Nepali  Survey Dictionary compiled by Mr P.P. Oli was issued.

A report of this day can be found here.

Louise Friis-Hansen
20 March 2018

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