News in 2021

New Year Greeting from FIG President Rudolf Staiger

January 2021

FIG Council and President Rudolf Staiger wishes all a Happy New Year with the very best for 2021:


The year 2020 has been a strange year and we all wish and hope for a more normalized 2021!

Although it is not possible to travel and to meet in person still a lot of FIG activities are going on.

FIG Commission, network and task force chairs are working on the technical programme for the e-Working Week that will take place in June 2021. Please join us for this different event in which we try to incorporate the important parts of a conference, namely networking, gaining contacts, and knowledge sharing. We are aware that an online conference is not the optimal option – but with the current situation we believe that online is much better than no contact and no conference…

The delayed General Assembly 2020 will be held together with the General Assembly 2021 in June 2021. This will, just like the e-Working Week, be held online. More information about this and also how the voting will take place will be sent out to all members.

Commission Working Groups, Networks and Task Forces are also working on their scheduled activities for which Council is grateful. Many online meetings are taking place and much work is done.

In December two activities with UN-Habitat/GLTN were completed; a report on Urban-Rural Linkages and a manual for the Valuation of Unregistered Land. These two publications will be published in the coming months.

Council and President Staiger are all looking forward to this coming year 2021 and wishes a happy and healthy New Year and a large thanks to all members and to all who contribute to the undertakings of FIG.




Louise Friis-Hansen
4 January 2021

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