8th FIG Regional Conference, 26-29 November 2012 Montevideo, Uruguay


ISBN 87-92853-02-8
ISSN 2308-3433


Plenary and Technical Sessions
Saturday, 24 November
24 November
Cezanne, Radisson Hotel

ACCO Meeting - Including Chairs elect
Chair: FIG Vice President Rudolf Staiger

  • By invitation only

24 November
Cesanne, Radisson Hotel

Council Meeting

  • By invitation only

24 November

Council & ACCO combined dinner - Including Chairs elect and Vice Presidents elect

  • By invitation only

Sunday, 25 November
25 November
Cezanne, Radisson Hotel

ACCO Meeting
Chair: FIG Vice President Rudolf Staiger

  • By invitation only

25 November
Miro, Radisson Hotel

Council Meeting
Chair: FIG President CheeHai Teo

  • By invitation only

Monday, 26 November
26 November
Radisson Hotel, 2nd floor


26 November
Grand Ballroom I, Radisson Hotel

Plenary Session 1 - Relevance and Contribution of Surveying and Spatial Information
Chair: Ms. Dalal Alnagaar, FIG Vice President
Rapporteur: Ms. Dalal Alnagaar

John Biehl del Rio (Uruguay):
Activities, Impacts and Benefits of Various OAS Initiatives and Projects in Latin America (6489)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Victoria Stanley (USA):
Activities, Impacts and Benefits of Various World Bank Initiatives and Projects in Latin America (6490)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Jorge Franco (Uruguay):
Discussion of the History of Surveying in Uruguay. Challenges and Opportunities Presented in the Adoption of the Law on Land Management and Sustainable Development (6491)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Solomon Abebe Haile (Kenya):
“Participatory and Inclusive Land Readjustment” (PILaR) as a governance tool to reduce Slums and Promote Orderly City Extension (6492)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

26 November
Radisson Hotel

Exhibition - Opening of the Exhibition

26 November

Coffee Break

26 November
Renoir, Radisson Hotel

TS01A - Professional Standards and Practice
Commission: 1
Chair: Ms. Leonie Newnham, Chair, FIG Commission 1
Rapporteur: Ms. Leonie Newnham

Leonie Newnham (Denmark):
Presentation of Commission 1 (6474)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Kate Fairlie (Australia) and Eva-Maria Unger (Austria):
The Sustainable Development of Young Surveyors: An Update on Network Status and Needs. (6366)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

26 November
Grand Ballroom II, Radisson Hotel

TS01B - Engineering Surveying
Commission: 6
Chair: Mr. Ivo Milev, Chair elect, FIG Commission 6
Rapporteur: Mr. Ivo Milev

Ivo Milev (Germany):
Presentation of Commission 6 (6479)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

John Hamilton (USA):
Dam Deformation Surveying (6266)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

26 November
Grand Ballroom I, Radisson Hotel

TS01C - Cadastre and Land administration
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. Daniel Roberge, Chair, FIG Commission 7
Rapporteur: Mr. Daniel Roberge

Daniel Roberge (Canada):
Presentation of Commission 7 (6480)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Christiaan Lemmen (Netherlands), Gerda Schennach (Austria), Claire Galpin (France), David Mitchell (Australia), Peter Van Oosterom (Netherlands) and Daniel Roberge (Canada):
Cadastre, Land Administration and the Evolving Role of Surveyors (6423)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Ian Williamson, Rajabifard Abbas, Mohsen Kalantari and Jude Wallace (Australia):
AAA Land Information: Accurate, Assured and Authoritative (6278)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

26 November
Grand Ballroom III, Radisson Hotel

TS01D- Data and Land information Systems
Commission: 3
Chair: Mr. Yerach Doytsher, Chair, FIG Commission 3
Rapporteur: Mr. Yerach Doytsher

Yerach Doytsher (Israel):
Presentation of Commission 3 (6476)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Njike Chigbu and Joel Irukwu Igbokwe (Nigeria):
X-Raying Nigeria National Geo-Spartial Data Infrasturcture (NGDI) - The journey so far (6281)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Ana Fernández and Alicia Lofredo (Uruguay):
Metadatos para el Nodo MTOP IDEuy implementados por el GTIG-UdelaR (6410)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

26 November
Radisson Hotel


  • (Lunch is not included in the conference fee)

26 November
Grand Ballroom I, Radisson Hotel

Joint UN-Habitat/FIG Session on Land Readjustment for Latin America
Chair: Mr. Christiaan Lemmen, FIG delegate, Commision 7
Rapporteur: Mr. Christiaan Lemmen

Open meeting

Christiaan Lemmen (Netherlands) and Abebe Haile Solomon (Kenya):
Land Re-adjustment, UN Habitat and FIG (6654)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

26 November
Grand Ballroom II, Radisson Hotel

TS02A - Laserscanning
Commission: 6
Chair: Mr. Ivo Milev, Chair elect, FIG Commission 6
Rapporteur: Mr. Ivo Milev

Clayton Guerra Mamede, Betânia Queiroz da Silva and Carlos Alberto Borba Schuler (Brazil):
Laser Scanner in Works of Art and Historical Monuments Monitoring (6340)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Milev Ivo (Germany):
“The use of Mobile Laser Scanning complexes for precise determination of the geometrical steel beam gradient on rail bridges" (6407)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Miguel Alejandro Gavirondo Cardozo and Oscar Rafael Tornini Lenzi (Uruguay):
Topografía Láser 3D: Nuevas Aplicaciones para Arquitectura Patrimonial y Arquelogía (6418)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

26 November
Grand Ballroom III, Radisson Hotel

TS02B - Valuation and Real Estate
Commission: 9
Chair: Ms. Frances Plimmer, Chair, FIG Commission 9
Rapporteur: Ms. Frances Plimmer

Frances Plimmer (United Kingdom):
Presentation of Commission 9 (6482)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Daniella Scarassatti (Brazil) and Edgardo Ramírez (Argentina):
Tributación Inmobiliaria - Experiencias en la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina – Impacto a Nivel Local- y en el Municipio de Campinas, Estado San Pablo, Brasil (6319)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Ricardo Zunino, Ana Suarez and Virginia Botta (Uruguay):
La experiencia catastral de la Intendencia de Montevideo en la recuperación de plusvalías urbanas (6331)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Chryssy Potsiou (Greece):
A comparative study on informal development in five European countries (6400)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

William J McCluskey (United Kingdom):
Valuation, Market Evidence and Pro-Poor Finance (6273)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

26 November
Renoir, Radisson Hotel

TS02C - SDI-Spatial Data Infrastructure
Commission: 3
Chair: Ms. Chryssy Potsiou, FIG Vice President
Rapporteur: Ms. Chryssy Potsiou

C.J. (Kees) de Zeeuw and C. H. J. (Christiaan) Lemmen (Netherlands):
Spatial Data Infrastructure for knowledge sharing (6383)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Hartmut Mueller (Germany):
Some Considerations on Sub-national Spatial Data Infrastructures (6390)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

26 November
Radisson Hotel

Coffee Break

26 November
Ballroom I, Radisson Hotel

Joint UN-Habitat/FIG Session on Land Readjustment for Latin America
Chair: Mr. Christiaan Lemmen, FIG delegate, Commision 7
Rapporteur: Mr. Christiaan Lemmen

Open meeting

Abebe Haile Solomon (Kenya) and Christiaan Lemmen (Netherlands):
An Overview of Land Readjustment Case Studies UN-Habitat. Documented and Some Lessons Learned (6655)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

26 November
Grand Ballroom II, Radisson Hotel

Task Force on Property and Housing
Chair: Ms. Chryssy Potsiou, FIG Vice President
Rapporteur: Ms. Chryssy Potsiou

Lucia Etcheverry (Uruguay):
Housing Policy and Planning Systems (6535)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Hebenor Bermúdez (Uruguay):
Informal Development(the Problem , Causes, Size, Policies for Legalization, Progress) (6503)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Eduardo Infantozzi (Uruguay):
Property Registration (Description of the System, Coverage, Problems, Weak Property Titles, Access to Land and Property Ownership) (6504)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Gabriel Segalerba (Uruguay):
Property Market (State-of-the-art/Functioning, Statistics, Crisis, Transactions, Mortgages, Loans, Transaction Procedures and Costs) (6505)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

26 November
Renoir, Radisson Hotel

TS03A - Surveying education and curricula 1
Commission: 2
Chair: Mr. Steven Frank, Chair, FIG Commission 2
Rapporteur: Mr. Steven Frank

Steven Frank (USA):
Presentation of Commission 2 (6475)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Stig Enemark and Daniel Galland (Denmark):
Applying a Land Management Profile in Surveying Education (6297)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Steven Frank (USA):
Accrediting US Surveying Programs (6299)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

26 November
Grand Ballroom III, Radisson Hotel

TS03C - Instruments and methods
Commission: 6
Chair: Mr. Rudolf Staiger, FIG Vice President
Rapporteur: Mr. Rudolf Staiger

Alexander Beetz and Volker Schwieger (Germany):
Automatic Lateral Control of a Model Dozer (6277)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

César Meneses Delgado (Colombia):
Evaluation and Effect of Errors in Digital Elevation Models on Cost of Raw Materials Inventory (6279)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Aldo Mangiaterra and Armando Del Bianco (Argentina):
El protagonismo del ingeniero agrimensor en las obras de ingeniería (6408)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

26 November

Opening Ceremony & Welcome Cocktail Reception
Chair: Ms. Nelma Benia, President of AAU, Asociación de Agrimensores del Uruguay

  • Video by the Ministery of Transport

Tuesday, 27 November
27 November
Grand Ballroom I, Radisson Hotel

Plenary Session 2: Technological and Educational, Regional and Youth Initiatives for Sustainable Development
Chair: Mr. Rudolf Staiger, FIG Vice President
Rapporteur: Mr. Rudolf Staiger

Andrés Diez Galilea (Spain):
Discuss the Impacts of European Initiatives such as INSPIRE and the Regional Geodetic Reference Frame on Professional Education and Curriculum (6493)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Claudio Brunini (Argentina):
Discussion of the Geocentric Reference System for the Americas (SIRGAS) (6494)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Hector Cancela (Uruguay):
Discussion of the Current Initiatives at the University of the Republic of Uruguay, Regarding Curricula Updates and Teaching Innovations, and the Work with Secondary Schools (6495)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Toril Iren Pedersen (Norway):
Discussion of “Youth Responsiveness in the Land Sector” Looking at Global Trends and Implications for Sustainability (6496)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

27 November
Radisson Hotel

Coffee Break

27 November
Grand Ballroom II, Radisson Hotel

TS04A - Surveying education and curricula 2
Commission: 2
Chair: Mr. Pedro Cavero, FIG delegate, Commission 2
Rapporteur: Mr. Pedro Cavero

Magali Martinez, Natalia Canneva, Hebenor Bermudez, Ana Fernandez and Ricardo Yelicich (Uruguay):
Difusión de la Agrimensura como Carrera Universitaria en el Uruguay. (6409)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Rosario Casanova, Raquel Sosa, Hebenor Bermúdez and Natalia Canneva (Uruguay):
Teaching Geomatics from Photointerpretation to Online Education (6452)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Jorge Franco, Rosario Casanova and Raquel Sosa (Uruguay):
gvSIG Batoví un SIG Educativo (6453)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

27 November
Renoir, Radisson Hotel

TS04B - Regional and National Geodesy I
Commission: 5
Chair: Mr. Mikael Lilje, Chair, FIG Commission 5
Rapporteur: Mr. Mikael Lilje

Mikael Lilje (Sweden):
Presentation of Commission 5 (6478)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Claudio Brunini (Argentina), Laura Sánchez, Hermann Drewes (Germany), Virginia Mackern (Argentina) and Marco de Almeida Lima (Brazil):
The geocentric reference system for the Americas (6373)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Neil Weston and Tomás Soler (USA):
Rigorous Geodetic Positioning in the Americas (6300)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Carine Bruyninx (Belgium), Johannes Ihde (Germany) and Mikael Lilje (Sweden):
EUREF’s Efforts to Meet the Challenge of the Changing Geodetic Landscape (6370)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

27 November
Grand Ballroom I, Radisson Hotel

TS04C - Land and property rights
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. Christiaan Lemmen, FIG delegate, Commision 7
Rapporteur: Mr. Christiaan Lemmen

Jorge Espinoza (Germany):
Towards Improved Governance of Indigenous Land in Chile: Challenges and Opportunities Regarding Indigenous Land Rights from a Systemic Perspective (6296)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Marcelo Adrián Lupiano and César Mario Garachico (Argentina):
La Línea de Ribera - Límite territorial entre el dominio público hídrico y el dominio privado. (6308)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Marcelo Viscarra (Bolivia) and Frank Pichel (USA):
Indigenous Communities’ Property Rights: Initiative in Bolivia (6322)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Martha Siniacoff, Federico Severi, Alejandro Ramirez and Natalia Canneva (Uruguay):
La generación de políticas públicas a partir de la información catastral de la Intendencia de Montevideo (6335)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

27 November
Grand Ballroom III, Radisson Hotel

TS04D - Calculation and Visualization of Geodata
Commission: 3
Chair: Mr. Hartmut Mueller, FIG delegate, Commission 3
Rapporteur: Mr. Hartmut Mueller

Rosario Casanova, Raquel Sosa and Sebastián Rodríguez (Uruguay):
SIGAP: Sistema de Información Geográfica para el Análisis Prospectivo (6451)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

María Victoria Alvarez, Richard Camejo, Germán Iglesias and Enrique Luque (Uruguay):
Public and Accessible Geographic Information at Montevideo City Hall (Información geográfica pública y accesible en la Intendencia de Montevideo) (6316)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Rodolfo Méndez Baillo (Uruguay):
Evaluación de la incertidumbre en el cálculo de áreas sobre una determinada cartografía. (6405)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

27 November


  • (Lunch is not included in the conference fee)

27 November
Grand Ballroom I, Radisson Hotel

Joint UN-Habitat/FIG Session on Youth Responsiveness in the Land Sector
Chair: Ms. Kate Fairlie
Rapporteur: Ms. Eva-Maria Unger

Toril Iren Pederson (Norway):
Towards a Youth Agenda for the Global Land Tool Network (6508)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Kate Fairlie (Australia):
Exploring the Youth Dimensions of the Global Land Agenda (6509)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

27 November
Grand Ballroom II, Radisson Hotel

TS05A - Regional and National Geodesy II
Commission: 5
Chair: Mr. Volker Schwieger, Chair elect, FIG Commission 5
Rapporteur: Mr. Volker Schwieger

Mikael Lilje and Lars E Engberg (Sweden):
A Strategic Plan for the Development of Geodesy in Sweden (6306)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Mauricio Gende, Romina de los Angeles Galvan and Claudio Brunini (Argentina):
A web base online GPS processing service for rural cadastral applications (6342)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Dirk Kowalewski (Germany):
The accuracy of geodetic GNSS antennas (6463)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

27 November
Grand Ballroom III, Radisson Hotel

TS05B - Planning and Managing Urbanization
Commission: 8
Chair: Mr. Wafula Nabutola, Chair, FIG Commission 8
Rapporteur: Mr. Wafula Nabutola

Wafula Luasi Nabutola (Kenya):
Presentation of Commission 8 (6481)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Vaiva Deveikiene, Ona Deveikyte and Steponas Deveikis (Lithuania):
Green and Blue Infrastructure for Sustainable Development of the City: Case Study of Vilnius City and Its Region (6276)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Daniel Paez (Colombia):
High density development; are we supporting sustainable development? The case of Bogota - Colombia (6292)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Marcela Bibiana Guerrero Rojas and Miguel Angel Diaz Salas (Colombia):
El espacio público en las políticas de legalización de barrios en bogotá aspectos cuantitativos y cualitativos (6365)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

27 November
Renoir, Radisson Hotel

TS05C - Construction Economics and Management
Commission: 10
Chair: Mr. Robert Sinkner, Chair, FIG Commssion 10
Rapporteur: Mr. Robert Sinkner

Robert Šinkner (Czech Republic):
Presentation of Commission 10 (6483)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Marc Vanderschueren (Belgium):
The European Measurement Code for The Floor Area of Buildings (6311)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

27 November
Radisson Hotel

Coffee Break

27 November
Grand Ballroom I, Radisson Hotel

Joint UN-Habitat/FIG Session on Youth Responsiveness in the Land Sector
Chair: Ms. Kate Fairlie
Rapporteur: Ms. Eva-Maria Unger

Abebe Haile Solomon (Kenya):
The Role of Youth in the Social Tenure Domain Model Pilot in Uganda (6510)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Eva-Maria Unger (Austria):
A Short Study of Youth Contributions to Disaster Recovery Internationally (6511)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

27 November
Grand Ballroom II, Radisson Hotel

TS06B - Planning Policies and Environmental Improvement
Commission: 8
Chair: Mr. Christiaan Lemmen, FIG delegate, Commision 7
Rapporteur: Mr. Christiaan Lemmen

Michael Barry, Abdel-Rahman Muhsen (Canada) and Richard Molero (Venezuela):
Evolutionary Land Tenure Information System Development: The Talking Titler Methodology (6349)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Daniel Galland and Stig Enemark (Denmark):
The reorientation of spatial planning systems and policies: The case of Denmark (6289)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

27 November
Grand Ballroom III, Radisson Hotel

TS06C - Concepts of 3D parceling inLatin-America
Commission: Commission 7
Chair: Mr. Ernesto Silveira, AAU
Rapporteur: Mr. Ernesto Silveira, AAU

María Teresa Salazar (Peru) and Diego Erba (Argentina):
Construyendo los conceptos de parcela 3D y propiedad 3D en Perú (6320)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Safira De La Sala (Brazil) and Diego Erba (Argentina):
Construyendo los conceptos de parcela 3D y propiedad 3D en Brasil (6330)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Melinda Maldonado and Diego Erba (Argentina):
Construyendo los conceptos de parcela 3D y propiedad 3D en Argentina (6324)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Mónica Montero (Costa Rica), Diego Erba (Argentina) and Adrián Alvarado Corella (Costa Rica):
Construyendo los conceptos de parcela 3D y propiedad 3D en Costa Rica (6333)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Wednesday, 28 November
28 November
Grand Ballroom I, Radisson Hotel

Plenary Session 3: Professional and Technological Trends and Horizons of Surveying, Spatial Technologies
Chair: Ms. Chryssy Potsiou, FIG Vice President
Rapporteur: Ms. Chryssy Potsiou

Brent A. Jones (USA):
Discussion of Current, Upcoming and Future Trends and Technologies to Allow the Profession to Remain Relevant (6497)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Roberto Perez Rodino (Uruguay):
Discussion of the Role and New Paradigm of the Survey Engineer in the Midst of its Science and New Technologies, Consider the Opportunities, Threats and its Place in Society (6499)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Fausto Savoldi (Italy):
Discussion of the Future Agenda, Vision and Opportunities for the Profession towards Sustainable Development from a National Perspective (6500)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

CheeHai Teo (Malaysia):
Presentation of FIG (6658)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

28 November

Coffee Break

28 November
Grand Ballroom III, Radisson Hotel

TS07A - Spatial Planning and DRM
Commission: 8
Chair: Mr. Hartmut Mueller, FIG delegate, Commission 3
Rapporteur: Mr. Hartmut Mueller

Alvaro Caviedes (Colombia), Maïté Thirouin (France) and Daniel Paez (Colombia):
A GIS Methodology for Cycling Investment Prioritization using Cadastre and Urban Form Information (6305)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Wafula Nabutola (Kenya):
The Challenges and Opportunities for Integrated Disasters and Risk Management in Kenya, with particular reference to Policy, Legislation and Regulations (6401)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Guillermo Dubosc (Uruguay):
Proyecto de desarrollo multiproposito Esclusas San Antonio (6464)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

28 November
Grand Ballroom I, Radisson Hotel

TS07B - Geodetic Methodology
Commission: 5
Chair: Mr. Leonardo Puei, AAU
Rapporteur: Mr. Mikael Lilje, Chair, FIG Commission 5

Roberto Perez Rodino (Uruguay):
Estudios de posicionamiento en Tiempo Real usando Caster-NTRIP: métodos convencionales, soluciones de red y PPP-RTK (6403)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Tomonori Deguchi (Japan):
Creep Motion Monitoring along the North Anatolian Fault by using DInSAR and Time Series Analysis (6318)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Jorge L. Barbosa da Silva and Roosevelt De Lara Jr (Brazil):
Comparación de las técnicas de medición sin reflector - laser y la intersección hacia adelante (6404)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

João Francisco Galera Monico and Haroldo Antonio Marques (Brazil):
Real Time PPP: from clock to position estimation. (6290)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

28 November
Grand Ballroom II, Radisson Hotel

TS07C - Cadastre and Land administration in South-America
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. Daniel Roberge, Chair, FIG Commission 7
Rapporteur: Mr. Daniel Roberge

Daniel Paez and Luis A. Guzmán (Colombia):
Incorporation of the 3D cadastre concept in transport projects using GIS: The case of the Metro project in Bogota (6347)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Mario Andrés Piumetto (Argentina) and Diego Alfonso Erba (USA):
El rol del catastro en la nueva administración territorial de América Latina (6415)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Manuel-G Alcázar Molina (Spain) and Natalia Canneva Mallet (Uruguay):
Ley Catastral, una vieja aspiración: El Catastro como herramienta de desarrollo (6338)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

28 November
Renoir, Radisson Hotel

TS07D - Hydrography
Commission: 4
Chair: Mr. Gordon Johnston, FIG delegate, Commission 4
Rapporteur: Mr. Gordon Johnston

Gordon Johnston (United Kingdom):
Presentation of Commission 4 (6477)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Gordon Johnston (United Kingdom):
Maintaining Standards of Competence for Hydrographic Surveyors and Nautical Cartographers (6395)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Andrew Hoggarth (Canada), Gordon Johnston (United Kingdom) and Daniel Kruimel (Australia):
Assisting in the Management of Waterways (6396)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Andrew Hoggarth (Canada), Gordon Johnston (United Kingdom), Charles de Jongh and Peter Schwarzberg (Netherlands):
A Case Study in Land and Sea Data Interoperability (6397)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

28 November
Radisson Hotel


  • (Lunch is not included in the conference fee)

28 November
Grand Ballroom III, Radisson Hotel

TS08A - Urban and Rural Land Use Planning and Information Systems
Commission: 8
Chair: Mr. Daniel Galland, FIG delegate, Commission 8
Rapporteur: Mr. Daniel Galland

Luis A. Guzman and Oscar Borrero (Colombia):
Value capture strategy for construction financing of first Metro line in Bogotá: tools and potential (6350)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Njike Chigbu and Daniel Onukaogu (Nigeria):
Leveraging Food Security Challenges in South Eastern Nigeria Using GIS and Geospatial Education (6280)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Felipe Omar Tapia Silva and Alejandro Mohar (Mexico):
Regionalización y Amenazas a los servicios ambientales del Suelo de Conservación en la Ciudad de México. Hacia una ocupación viable del territorio (6391)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

28 November
Renoir, Radisson Hotel

TS08B - Laser Scanning and Remote Sensing
Commission: 5
Chair: Mr. Ivo Milev, Chair elect, FIG Commission 6
Rapporteur: Mr. Ivo Milev

Nicolás Di Pascua (Uruguay):
Navegación Topográfica Subterránea para Tuneladoras (6352)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Clayton Guerra Mamede and Carlos Alberto Borba Schuler (Brazil):
Check of Geometric Quality of Some Orthophoto maps the Metropolitan Region of Recife (PE) – Brazil (6348)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

28 November
Grand Ballroom II, Radisson Hotel

TS08C - Cadastre and Land administration in Africa
Commission: 7
Chair: Ms. Dalal Alnaggar, FIG Vice President
Rapporteur: Ms. Dalal Alnaggar

Gertrude Nnanjar Njar, mnis, JP (Nigeria):
Cadastral Surveying and Land Administration in Selected Urban Areas in Cross River State, Nigeria (6399)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Claire Galpin and Mathias Koffi (France):
Access to rural land in Senegal application of STDM with rural communities in Senegal River Valley (6414)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

28 November
Grand Ballroom I, Radisson Hotel

TS08D - Cadastre and Land Information Systems
Commission: 3
Chair: Mr. Yerach Doytsher, Chair, FIG Commission 3
Rapporteur: Mr. Yerach Doytsher

Jorge Faure and Danilo Blanco (Uruguay):
Estudio para la generación de una cartografía urbana en las Localidades de Villa Serrana y Marco de Los Reyes utilizando métodos no tradicionales (6411)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Jamal Browne (Saint Vincent and The Grenadines):
Land Tenure Systems Development for Disaster Risk Management within the OECS (6355)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

28 November
Miro, Radisson Hotel

Council Meeting
Chair: FIG President CheeHai Teo

  • By invitation only

28 November
Radisson Hotel

Exhibition - Closing of the Exhibition

28 November

Coffee Break

28 November
Grand Ballroom I, Radisson Hotel

TS09B - Remote Sensing II
Commission: 5
Chair: Mr. Volker Schwieger, Chair elect, FIG Commission 5
Rapporteur: Mr. Volker Schwieger

Eric Tadiello Beltrão and Rudiney Soares Pereira (Brazil):
Automation of the process of vectorization in areas of interest and buffer variable on satellite images (6344)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This is a flash presentation.

Luciana Maria Silva and  Rodrigo Mikosz Gonçalves (Brazil):
Classification og Temporal Beach Environment in Boa Viagem - Recife - Pe using Fuzzy Logic Analysis (6287)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

28 November
Grand Ballroom II, Radisson Hotel

TS09C - Property and Land Management
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. Ernesto Silveira, AAU
Rapporteur: Mr. Ernesto Silveira, AAU

Gianella Torres and Andrea Storace (Uruguay):
Cooperacion Publico-privada en el Proceso Expropiatorio. Prolongacion Ruta 55 (6538)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Marina Vaskovich (Sweden):
Property formation process within an institutional context (6394)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Mário Henrique Medeiros Cavalcante de Araújo and Aderson Stanrley Peixoto Santos (Brazil):
Analysis of Irregular Occupations on Jaguaribe River Margins on the Neighbourhood of Bessa, in the City of João Pessoa-Brazil (6354)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Monday 26-Wednesday,
28 November

TS09D - Posters

  • Posters are displayed in the conference area during all three conference days

  • Glaucia Gabriel Sass and Amilton Amorim (Brazil):
    A Spatialtemporal Data Warehouse Metamodel for application on Multipurpose Cadastre (6309)
    [abstract] [paper] [handouts]
    This is a poster presentation.

    José Luis Niederer, Martha Siniacoff and Natalia Canneva Mallet (Uruguay):
    Automatización de cálculos avaluatorios aplicados a bienes inmuebles urbanos (6339)
    [abstract] [paper] [handouts]
    This is a poster presentation.

    Bruna Patrícia Alencar, Ana Lúcia Candeias and João Rodrigues Tavares Junior (Brazil):
    Automatic Detection Method of Alos/Palsar Shadows (6345)
    [abstract] [paper] [handouts]
    This is a poster presentation.

    Anderson Marcolino de Santana and Francisco Jaime Bezerra Mendonça (Brazil):
    Volume Computing using Photogrammetry and Geodetic Survey Method: An Approach Emphasizing the Search for Better Accuracy (6346)
    [abstract] [paper] [handouts]
    This is a poster presentation.

    Anderson Marcolino de Santana and Lucilene Antunes Correia de Sá (Brazil):
    Analysis Spatial of the Distribution of Crime: A Case Study in João Pessoa-Pb, Brazil (6353)
    [abstract] [paper] [handouts]
    This is a poster presentation.

    Amanda Mariia da Silva and Daniel Carneiro da Silva (Brazil):
    The matrix representation of rotation with the use of quaternions (6359)
    [abstract] [paper] [handouts]
    This is a poster presentation.

    Carlos-Humberto Gonzalez and Agustín Pintos (Uruguay):
    Ciudades digitales en 3 dimensiones (CD-3D): la propuesta de Uruguay. (6386)
    [abstract] [paper] [handouts]
    This is a poster presentation.

    Rosario Casanova (Uruguay):
    Uso de Geomatica en el Ordenamiento Territorial en Uruguay? (6417)
    [abstract] [paper] [handouts]
    This is a poster presentation.

    Oscar Rafael Tornini Lenzi and Miguel Alejandro Gavirondo Cardozo (Uruguay):
    Topografía Láser 3D: Aplicaciones para Ingeniería y Estudio de Deformaciones (6416)
    [abstract] [paper] [handouts]
    This is a poster presentation.

28 November
To be announced

Cultural Evening/FIG Foundation Evening
Chair: Ms. Nelma Benia, President of AUU, Asociación de Agrimensores del Uruguay

Thursday, 29 November
29 November
Colonia del Sacramento

Technical Tour to Colonia del Sacramento
Chair: Ms. Nelma Benia, President of AAU, Asociación de Agrimensores del Uruguay

© International Federation of Surveyors, FIG 2012