
FIG Peer Review Journal


New evidence of land management in the frame of Common Agricultural Policy: needs for standardization (2853)

Valentina Sagris, Wim Devos (Italy), Pavel Milenov (Bulgaria) and Simon Kay (Italy)
Ms Valentina Sagris
Scientific Officer
Joint Research Centre of the European Commission
IPSC Monitoring of Agriculture and Rural
Sustainability Unit
Via E.Fermi 2749
Ispra (VA)
Corresponding author Ms Valentina Sagris (email: valentina.sagris[at]jrc.it, tel.: +39 0332 78 6431)

[ abstract ] [ handouts ] [ handouts ]

Published on the web 2008-03-21
Received 2008-01-31 / Accepted 2008-03-14
This paper is one of selection of papers published for the FIG Working Week 2008 in Stockholm, Sweden and has undergone the FIG Peer Review Process.

FIG Working Week 2008
ISBN 978-87-90907-67-9 ISSN 2307-4086


The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the EU, since its reform in 2003, aims to provide for a stable farmer’s income, decoupled from production, within a framework of sustainable development of the rural areas while respecting environmental and other societal needs. In order to distribute Community aid, the MS have to establish a Paying Agency to collect, control and reimburse all farmers’ applications through the Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS) with its geographical module Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS). As a result, agricultural sector has acquired a large amount of GI data, either explicitly required by the EU regulations or collected for pragmatic every-day operation. Although the regulatory requirements are unique across the sector, the particular implementations were a subject of the MS subsidiarity. Some of the MS use their cadastral system as starting point for creation of the new state registers required by the EU policy, others makes use of dedicated production block system. To date, the LPIS systems greatly differ in concepts and models of representation of the agricultural land use unit: the so-called “ agricultural parcel”. Incorporated in to the EU Regulations for Direct Payments to the farmers, the notion of agricultural parcel has become a new concept in the traditional land administration paradigm, which is strongly related to the ‘use’ of the land in its specific economic aspect –agricultural activity. The aim of this paper is twofold: to study institutional requirements via conceptual analysis of the EU regulatory framework and to outline the needs and methodological approaches for standardisation. This paper addresses the recent challenges for LPIS geographic data, such as operating within a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI), and its requirements for data harmonisation and interoperability. The core LPIS Conceptual Model (LCM), that represents conceptual compliance with the EU regulations is proposed. The first-cut LCM described in this paper is the initial step on the way to standardization in the IACS Spatial Data Interest Community (Devos et al, 2007). The LCM is generated by means of both (i) methodological approaches of International Standards of ISO and INSPIRE principles and (ii) reverse engineering of existing working systems. The latter is based on results of the LPIS survey (Milenov and Kay, 2006) covering different national implementations. The valuable experience of core conceptual models in cadastral domain, such as InterLIS (Steudler, 2006), EULIS and CCDM (Oosterom et al, 2006) also has been taken into account.
Keywords: Standards; Geoinformation/GI; Digital cadastre; Cadastre; Land management; Legislation; conceptual modeling, land management, Spatial Data Infrastucture


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