GLTN / UN-Habitat Publications

List of GLTN / UN-Habitat Publications

Teaching Essentials for Responsible Land Administration

Author: Stig Enemark

The Teaching Essentials for Responsible Land Administration is a structured knowledge base on responsible land administration, developed by the Global Land Tool Network. The knowledge base consists of six modules, each about 70 pages long, and covers all the key aspects of responsible land administration. The six modules are available in English and French on the GLTN e-learning platform, They are aimed primarily at universities and training institutions that offer courses on various aspects of land administration in the developing world. The six modules are:

  • Core values and principles of responsible land administration
  • Land-tenure security
  • Participatory land-use planning and management
  • Responsible land administration and information in practice
  • Land-based finance
  • Land policy and regultory frameworks

This guide is an abridged version of the Teaching essentials. It provides an introduction to responsible land administration, a summary of each of the six modules, and guidance on how to use the modules for e-learning, university education, research activities, capacity development and training, and professional practice. It also offers recommendations for applying hte principles of responsible land administration at the country level.

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This manual presents a practical approach for the valuation of unregistered land. It is designed to aid implementation of Valuation of Unregistered Lands: A Policy Guide and is designed to be globally applicable, particularly in developing nations where access to market data may be poor and trained valuers scarce.

Read the full manual here



This reports objective is to provide a framework for the GLTN and for those at local and national levels who use GLTN tools. This report is not a land tool. Rather, it provides structured guidance on how to address landspecific problems within the intersection of urban and rural development. It consists of action-oriented steps and recommendations that should be pursued in urbanrural interdependent development. This report expands on current knowledge of urban-rural linkages in the context of land tenure challenges.

Read the full report here


Where to Start? A Guide to Land-Based Finance in Local Governance

This new UN-Habitat / GTLN publication is a Guide that aims to expand the understanding of local leaders on taxes and fees related to land and the advantages of this approach. 



Stories of Change 

This publication is a collection of stories that illustrate outcomes of selected projects from the GLTN Phase 2 programme 2012-2018 at both global and country levels.

 Teaching Essentials for Responsible Land Administration

TAlthough there is considerable knowledge available on land related issues and innovative land tools and practices, most of this information is partly unknown and/or fragmented among university teachers, or it is hidden within broader land related curricula. To redress this, partners within GLTN’s International Research and Training Institutions Cluster have prepared a Structured Knowledge Base to support design and teaching of Responsible Land Administration curricula at universities and training institutions. The partners involved included: RMIT University, University of East London, University of Florida, University of West Indies, University of Twente, Aalborg University, Ardhi University, Technical University of Munich, NELGA (Network of Excellence in Land Governance in Africa) and UN-Habitat.

Six modules have been prepared and released as Beta versions in PDF format:

  • Module 1: Core values and principles of responsible land administration Authors: David Mitchell, Siraj Sait, Jean de Plessis, Agnes Mwasumbi
  • Module 2: Land tenure security
    Author; Grenville Barnes
  • Module 3: Participatory land use planning and management
    Author: Muhammed Asad Module
  • 4: Responsible land administration and information in practice
    Author: Jaap Zevenbergen and Dimo Todorovski Module
  • 5: Land based finance
    Author: Siraj Sait Module
  • 6:Land policy and regulatory frameworks
    Author: Stig Enemark
Available online at the GLTN e-learning platform

Designing and Implementing a Pro-Poor Land Recodation System

The challenges to tenure security in both urban and rural areas are not only large, but they are increasing due to the different types of pressures making land more and more scarce. There is growing acceptance that only by recognizing and supporting a continuum of land rights, can tenure security be reached for all people in an inclusive way.

GLTN’s partner network began implementing this vision in 2006 with the development of land tools, 18 of which have now been designed and tested, and are increasingly implemented at scale. The pro-poor land recordation system outlined in this publication is one of these tools, and is designed to be implemented on its own or, better, in combination with other land tools to reach inclusive tenure security.

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Land Tenure and Climate Vulnerability

This publication examines the inter-relationships between land tenure and climate vulnerability. The analysis has been framed according to peoples’ exposure to climate-related hazards, the sensitivity of different elements at risk in both urban and rural contexts and understanding how insecure land tenure influences the adaptive capacity of communities and individuals. Potential feedback loops from climate adaptation measures that may act to undermine peoples’ security of tenure have also been considered. The publication has been written with a broad audience in mind, including development, climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction, emergency management and land sector communities of practice. The aim is to highlight some of the complex and inter-linked challenges facing marginalized communities and, based on this evidence, signpost possible pathways to positive change. The content herein draws from an extensive literature review and evidence from five international case studies contributed by regional experts. The case studies were selected to enable consideration of differing land tenure and climate vulnerability contexts in different parts of the developing world.

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Framework for Costing and Financing Land Administration Services - CoFLAS 

This publication is a collection of stories that illustrate outcomes of selected projects from the GLTN Phase 2 programme 2012-2018 at both global and country levels.


Valuation of Unregistered Lands - A Policy Guide 

In many developing countries only thirty percent of land rights are registered and valuation has generally been focused on this registered land. Valuation of unregistered land approach is to support developing countries that have unregistered land to be able to value it. Valuation is necessary to improve control over land and property in a way that builds equitable access to financial services and mobilizes resources for economic growth and poverty reduction.


Fit-For-Purpose Land Administration - Guiding Principles for Country Implementation

This publication is primarily designed to allow a range of stakeholders in developing countries to understand the overall Fit-For-Purpose approach and to recognize the benefits of adopting this approach. The Fit-for-Purpose solutions provide opportunities for land administration systems to deliver benefits, including secure tenure rights, to a wide range of stakeholders within a relatively short time and for  relatively affordable costs in a flexible manner. It provides structured guidance on building the spatial, legal and institutional frameworks in support of designing country-specific strategies for implementing FFP land administration. It contains the analysis and operational advisory guidelines to implement the approach.  Authors of the Guide are Stig Enemark, Robin McLaren and Christiaan Lemmen and it is published by UN-Habitat/GLTN and Dutch Kadaster.

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 New Urban Agenda

The New Urban Agenda was adopted at the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III) in Quito, Ecuador, on 20 October 2016. It was endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly at its sixty-eighth plenary meeting of the seventy-first session on 23 December 2016. The New Urban Agenda represents a shared vision for a better and more sustainable future. If well-planned and well-managed, urbanization can be a powerful tool for sustainable development for both developing and developed countries.

 Tenure responsive land Use Planning

The information and processes presented in this publication are based on the research and experiences drawn from the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) country-level interventions in Africa and Asia presented in the policy guide Tenure-Responsive Land Use Planning: A Guide for Country-Level Implementation.

Read report here


Property Theory, Metaphors and the Continuum of Land Rights

The continuum of land rights has matured as a concept and is now widely accepted among a number of international agencies, the development community and some national governments. It has developed independently of a critical examination in terms of the vast array of established development theories, property theories and metaphors. The critical examination is needed if the concept is going to facilitate the vigorous debate necessary to improve land tenure security in ways which accommodate the numerous ideological positions on land and development. This document starts the process. It examines the continuum of land rights in terms of a sample of development theories and property theories that dominate the development agenda, and in terms of a sample of theories and metaphors which are opposite to them, and it outlines how they apply and can be used for the continuum.

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Land tenure in Asia and the Pacific

This publication provides an overview of the findings of a review of land tenure security in Asia and the Pacific region in collaboration with key partners. It highlights the major land challenges, barriers and opportunities as the basis for future decisions about partnerships and engagement in the land sector at sub-regional and country level. The findings are based on an extensive literature review, interviews, a questionnaire, validation at several multi-stakeholder meetings and peer review. It is aimed at a general audience involved in policy and decision-making in the land sector, as well as the broader development sector.

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 Designing a Land Records System for the Poor

Designing a Land Records System for the Poor is the first attempt to fill the gaps in the development of new forms of land recordation to assist the implementation of a continuum of land rights approach at scale. It is about the development of the initial design of a pro-poor land recordation system - a recording system aimed at supporting the recognition and protection of a range of rights of the poor.

This publication emphasizes a co-management approach where the community performs a greater role in the design and management of the system. The design also highlights affordability, legitimacy and credibility as key requirements for success. However, it also recognizes that more work and studies are needed to enhance the design and better inform its implementation.

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Handling land, Innovative Tools for Land Governance and Secure Tenure

Everyone has a relationship to land. It is an asset that, with its associated resources, allows its owner access to loans, to build their houses and to set up small businesses in cities. In rural areas, land is essential for livelihoods, subsistence and food security. However, land is a scarce resource governed by a wide range of rights and responsibilities. And not everyone's right to land is secure. Mounting pressure and competition mean that improving land governance - the rules, processes and organizations through which decisions are made about land - is more urgent than ever. This book shows how the Global Land Tool Network is addressing these problems by setting an international agenda on land. It features the land tools that the Network has developed.

The Global Land Tool Network is a partnership of a wide range of organizations involved in land issues. Established in 2006, it has just completed its first phase of operations. This book celebrates the work of the Network so far and illustrates how all land stakeholders play a role in handling the critical social change needed towards achieving equitable access to land for all.

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 Secure Land Rights for All

This publication on Secure Land Rights for All demonstrates how secure land rights are particularly important in helping to reverse three types of phenomena: gender discrimination; social exclusion of vulnerable groups; and wider social and economic inequalities linked to inequitable and insecure rights to land.
It argues that policymakers should adopt and implement the continuum of land rights because, no single form of tenure can meet the different needs of all social groups. However, a range of land tenure options enables both women and men from all social groups to meet their changing needs over time.
This study can assist policy-makers to understand and apply the practical ways in which people’s land rights can be made more secure, while at the same time improve land policies as a basis for the better, fairer and more sustainable urban and rural development.

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